Dreams of Reality Read online

Page 6

  Arriving at the café a quarter to three, he was shocked to see Skye sitting there sipping on water. She was tapping the glass nervously.

  “Have you been waiting long?” he asked sitting down across from her.

  “No, not really,” she lied. Skye had been there since two. When she was sitting at home waiting for three, she couldn’t concentrate. “I’m surprised the café is still open outside.”

  “Yes, usually about this time of year in Detroit it’s cooler. You’re from Davenport, Ohio?” he asked.

  Inwardly, she was groaning, she had the feeling that he was in the mood to talk and that was just something she didn’t want to do with Thaddeus Newman. Yet, she couldn’t help to notice how incredibly handsome he looked. “Yes,” she said answering tightly trying not to show her desire to get up and leave.

  “My mother had family in Akron. I believe an aunt and cousin, but when my aunt died the cousin moved south. So you have anyone in Davenport as far as family?”

  “Actually I was raised in an orphanage outside of Chicago initially. I was adopted at two by Mr. And Mrs. James Patterson who already had two children—a boy and baby girl. They died in a car fire and we were all separated when I was seven. I moved from so many homes until about eleven when I was molested by one of the foster parents. I ran away, ending up in Austin, Ohio about an hour drive from Cleveland. Again I was put in foster homes in Davenport moving from family to family until

  I was sixteen when I applied to the courts for independence. I was a pretty good typist and making a living quite profitably as one.”

  “Do you plan to type all your life?” he asked.

  “No. I do plan to retire in a few years. I’ve invested my money seriously. One of my foster parents was an investment broker and I learned early what the profits to long term investing could do. I plan to have two million by the time I’m thirty five,” she said proudly.

  He tried to look unimpressed. “Exactly how old are you now, Ms Patterson, if I may be so bold to ask?”


  “No children?”

  “None that I know of.”

  He chuckled.

  “And you Mr. Newman?” she countered.

  “No children.”

  She flushed. “That’s not what I meant. I meant how old are you?”

  “I will be thirty next week.”

  “So why isn’t a man of your type married?” she delved out of curiosity. He was too good to be true.

  He frowned taking offense remembering what Trisha was saying the type of guy Skye thought he was. “What type of man am I?”

  “The type that should have been hooked by now. The good fish never stay in the water long.”

  “The smart fish do.”

  “True and I must say you are intelligent, Mr. Newman. I read on the Internet just how intelligent you are.” She frowned this time. “Your business keeps you involved and away from your personal life.”

  “I believe I have some personal life or I wouldn’t be here speaking with you.”

  With that note, she clearly became put off. Reaching down into her brief, she pulled out the contract. “Here is the contract for you to sign. I wouldn’t want to make you late for any of your other appointments. I know you’re a busy man.”

  He wanted to say, “not to busy for you,” but he knew that would be forward. Even when he made a small indication of his interest in her, she seemed to become turned off, yet she made this effort to be here on time—hell early. What the hell could he do to her to show some interest in him? It was frustrating.

  Skye could sense he was suddenly irate about something, but she would not ask even though she did want to know why. Watching him scratch his name on the last page, curiosity was killing her to know what had made him so upset. “Is there a problem, Mr. Newman?”

  “Yes,” he said sharply. “I want to know why when our conversation becomes personal; you become evasive.”

  She gasped at his frankness, and then she huffed more to herself. “Was I? Have I?” Sighing she sipped her water. “My experiences with men have not been pleasant, Mr. Newman, but that’s neither here nor there. You are my client and I wouldn’t dare want to change our relationship. So when our verbal banter gets too personal I tend to freeze up as you say. I can’t help it. You must excuse me, but in any way think I don’t enjoy talking with you.”

  She tried changing the subject slightly. “I can see why you choose this café. It’s relaxing here and you don’t seem so threatening.”

  “Threatening?” he asked wanting her to elaborate on that.

  Wanting to bite her lip for speaking so forward, she pressed on because she knew he would not allow her to just ignore his question. “Well your size does make a difference when people speak to you.”

  “I don’t consider that large.”

  “Of course you don’t.”

  He leaned on the table. “Can I have your hand?”

  Nervously she reached across the table to offer him her hand. He unrolled her long slim fingers with her nails unpolished on top of his open palm.

  He placed his other hand in hers turning them up until they were palm to palm. Her heart raced at his touch and she had to take deep long breathes to control the pounding in her chest. “I am human, just like you, with the same skin, blood, and bodily organs. I feel, hurt, and love the way you do. My hands are no different than yours. Matter of fact, your fingers are probably ten times stronger than mine.”

  She smiled at his teasing. “But your size-”

  “It’s nothing. I’m not a violent person, Ms Patterson. Do you think I am?”

  “I don’t know you well enough to agree with that.”

  He held her hand in his. “Then you need to get to know me. Good day.”

  Skye watched him walk away and decided if Thaddeus Newman did show up in a bedroom naked she would probably jump his bones. He was the most sensual man she had ever seen or met. She wanted him, but she knew there was no way she would ever convince him to want her in return.

  He probably found her a joke.

  One more to add to his many conquests. Although, she wouldn’t mind being his conquest either.

  ‘Oh please,’ she huffed to herself. Even if he were lying naked in front of her in her bedroom, she wouldn’t take the chance of doing anything. It would be just too overwhelming to have Thaddeus Newman as a lover.

  But maybe in her dreams…maybe…

  Chapter 7

  Saturday was a normal day for her. She did her usual schedule. Shopping, running errands, paying bills, and sorts.

  Every once in a while, her mind would linger at wondering what Thaddeus Newman was really like. But she would quickly push away these thoughts and try to concentrate on whatever task was at hand. 'Keep this up, nitwit and you'll actually convince yourself you're in a real relationship with him.'

  She would admit, but just to herself, that she did find him very sexually attractive. Yet Skye would refuse to believe that a man like Thaddeus Newman could be attracted to her. She was a plain Jane. A man like that wanted someone erotic and... experienced?

  'Was that what you were thinking, Skye?' she asked herself.

  At six she cooked a nice baked salmon, rice and corn, then retired to Sleepless in Seattle at eight. By nine Skye was in a deep sleep when a strange ringing emitted from the phone.

  * * *

  Soft music played and candlelight surrounded the front room and bedroom. Thaddeus paced nervously as he occasionally watched the clock. 9:55pm and no one had yet to drive up. Taking off his jacket he moved to the bedroom.

  The instructions given to him just this morning by Pooh said he was supposed to light the room by one single candlelight and leave the front door unlock.

  His 'gift' would be there on the dot.

  Going into the bathroom he decided to freshen up, then just lie down and wait. Just as he finished he heard someone in the other room. Stepping out the bathroom, he noticed the lights were out and only th
e five candles lit the room. Dressed in a sensuous red see-through ankle length silk gown, with a dark red robe, was the most sensuous woman he had ever seen in his life.

  The lighting made the details in her face hard to determine, yet the simple beauty beheld his interest enough of what he could see as he walked close to her.

  Her hair was down to her shoulders with a bit of a curl slightly to give a voluptuous look. She was made up with a medium touch of make-up. With the most sensuous swaying of her slim hips she walked close to him from the bed.

  Each move deliberated in drawing his attention to her. This was a woman consumed with getting the right response from him at each moment.

  Every fluid movement was designed to heighten and capture pleasurable responses from his body and mind. She was a dream come true to him, now if only he could get Skye off his mind when he was with “the case”, he would actually enjoy the entire encounter.

  “Am I dreaming?” she asked, tenderly cupping his face in the palm of her hand as if he would disappear. She had read his mind.

  When his head leaned into her sweet smelling palm, he heard her exhale softly. No, he felt so real. “I hope I don’t wake up when we get to the good part,” she teased.

  Pulling her close, he smiled brilliantly. If he spoke he might wake up himself. When she pressed herself against him, he felt himself instantly become aroused. He found himself uniquely affected by this woman. She was definitely a dream. The most beautiful dream he could ever envision.

  Slowly their bodies rocked to the music. She turned around so her back could press tightly against his chest and his arms wrapped around her waist.

  Yet as much as he found himself attracted to this mysterious woman, he still wished she was Skye.

  His infatuation with the homely typist confused him. Thaddeus knew he was out of his mind to want something so bad. He had to keep his head together.

  Skye could never be one of these girls. There was no way she would know what to do. She was innocent and naive to what this temptress made him feel.

  What felt strange was even though he could hardly remember her features, except those exquisite hued eyes, it was her personality that attracted him. It was as if she knew the inner most of his own psyche and she could be the woman he always wanted, but he didn’t know why he thought this.

  What if this young woman was his Skye? Did he think he could control himself?

  Enough about what he wanted, he needed to concentrate on the now and right now her body was doing her best to seduce him into making love to her. This woman, as Craig had said did not know what she was doing and when this night was over she wouldn’t remember anything. It would have all been a dream to her and then what? He didn’t know. All he knew right now was that she was rubbing wantonly against him and if he didn’t stop her, he wouldn’t be responsible for his actions. Did she realize how impious she was becoming?

  No she didn’t. The doctor had said this was her subconscious doing this and what those goons had put in her body and head. What drug had they used?

  What had they told her? He had to know.

  “Did they tell you to do this to me?” he whispered softly in her ear hoping the microphones picked this up. Spinning her around and then rolling her up in his arms, he pulled her close as they swayed close to the music.

  “They told me to come up here to this room lay on the bed and wait for you to touch me.”

  “Who told you?”

  “The voices.”

  “Do you know their names? How do they look?”

  She didn’t want to think about the horrible man with the beady, black eyes.

  The one that made her scared. She was sure to awake from this wonderful dream and what she was feeling felt so good and so right. The frustration became evident in her face.

  Reaching up to cup his face, again she tried to pull his face close to hers, but he deliberately avoided her kiss knowing if he started he wouldn’t be able to stop himself.

  She closed her eyes knowing if she didn’t give him what he wanted she would not get what she wanted and that was him. Yes, she wanted Thaddeus Newman badly. Her body told her and her mind was in agreement. She had never wanted something or someone this bad and since this dream felt so real she knew she was capable of doing anything with him right now “where there were no restrictions, no consequences, no repercussions.” Exactly like the doctor had said.

  “Just the voices,” she answered him in a hoarse whisper not wanting to wake up from the sexual torment she was feeling all over her body. “They took me to some office again and this lady with Chinese eyes put all this on me, telling me I was going to have fun tonight and to relax and stay calm, then they brought me here in a black van and said they would be back for me at dawn.”

  Thaddeus decided not to push it, knowing she was in a delicate state. “Then why did you come up to me if you were told to lay on the bed and wait for me?”

  “I knew it was a dream when I saw you. I had to act upon the moment. Do you hate me for that?” she worried.

  Damn if he was aroused by the wanting to please tone in her voice. Why the hell did it remind him so much of Skye. Dammit! Thaddeus! Get that woman off your mind and concentrate on this temptress. “No, I could never hate you," he answered her.

  She smiled so damn seductively that he couldn't help himself from admitting out loud, "You are a dream to me.”

  His lips lightly brushed against her teasing her inner core that rippled with pleasure. He heard her purr at the new sensations he stirred within her and smiled to himself. He did enjoy pleasing her if she made sounds like that.

  Forcing himself to keep his mind on his objective, he whispered in her ear, “Where are your from? What is your name?”

  Too many questions. He was trying to make her think and she didn’t want to think. Rubbing her body against his, she desperately tried to distract him.

  Thaddeus knew if she continued to massage against him, it would not be long before he would succumb to her wishes. He had to be crazy to resist an opportunity like this, but the doctor’s words were repeating in his head.

  She didn’t know what she was doing. She would not remember any of this come morning and it would not help his effort in getting to her when she was herself if he ever had the opportunity to meet this woman, which he wanted to know more about as well.

  He looked around the room for the remote, which laid on the bedside table nearby so he knew if need be he could get privacy. “Do you think you’re in a dream now?”

  “Yes. I am. I know in reality I could never have you," she admitted.

  “Why is that so?”

  She was quiet. Her eyes looked away from him in a blank stare, and then she looked back at him. “No more questions,” she pleaded. “I don’t want to think anymore. I just want to feel you make love to me, just like they said you would want."

  “Let’s have something to drink. You wait here, I will be right back.”

  Reluctantly he released her and went to the kitchen. The glasses he had prepared earlier were still cold. In the right glass there was the serum to make her go to sleep. He had a choice, but he knew if he acted upon his lustful intentions he could never really get what he wanted in the end. What about next time?

  Thaddeus would not think about that. He would have to do this tonight and not think about what would happen next time.

  Grabbing the glasses he went back in the room. She laid on the bed, the robe was off at the end and he could see the beautiful silky almond roasted brown skin beneath the see-through gown begging for his touch and crying to be tasted. He found himself just salivating wanting to know did her body taste as delicious as it looked.

  Sitting up as he came to the bed, she began to unbutton his shirt. With the candle burning low, he couldn't see the clarity of her face, but he knew she was about the most beautiful seductress he had ever met. He didn't need the details the light would provide to know and smell that this woman wanted him. And she made it feel so different
to be wanted. Many women had professed it, shown it, and forced it on him, but this woman was different. He just couldn't put his finger on it how, but she was.

  And Thaddeus wanted her too.

  By the time he handed her the glass, she was kissing his neck moving her tongue down his neck to his collarbone, and then moving back up again to behind his ear. He couldn’t help succumbing as her soft, moist lips came back across his cheek to meet his. The blood rushed through his veins as he gripped her shoulders and deepened the kiss, letting his tongue intertwine with hers.

  She moaned lustfully, savoring the manly taste of him. It was her first kiss, albeit a dream, yet it felt more real than anything she could ever imagine.

  She wanted this dream to last forever.

  When he pulled away breathlessly not being able to think straight, their eyes met. Thaddeus was shocked to see his smoldering passion mirrored in her eyes turning him on more. She gulped the drink down, before he pulled her in another deep kiss.

  He was about to burst as he pushed the straps off her arms. Just this once, he convinced himself, mindless, except to what his body craved. Just this once he would take advantage of this opportunity.

  Breaking the kiss, he lingered at her neck to orally caress her ear, loving the way she tightened up and purred even louder making her whole body vibrate with earth rippling sensations, then abruptly her body went relaxed and her breath deepened.

  Thaddeus looked up to see that she was sleep. The serum had worked that fast. ‘Dammit! That was not supposed to happen,’ he cursed.

  In truth nothing before the serum was suppose to happen, but he didn’t expect her to arouse him as much as she had. After blowing out the candle, he undressed to just his pants and undershirt. Laying down next to her, he found himself still needing her nearness for his own sanity. She snuggled up against him.